About Us

Our Mission Statement

The Douglasville Church of Christ is a fellowship of believers seeking to understand and obey the will of God as revealed to us through scripture. It is our earnest desire to faithfully follow in the footsteps of His son, Jesus Christ. We strive to emulate Him in all that we say and do as He is our perfect model in all things.

Jesus loved mankind so much that He gave His life as a holy sacrifice so that we might be saved from eternal damnation. We in turn endeavor to love one another as He has loved us (John 13:33-34), and seek to honor God through devout worship and acts of love towards others.

Our Ministries

This fellowship takes part in a number of ministries within the congregation, among the community, and abroad.  We offer bible school for children of all ages, including a youth ministry for those in Jr. High and High school.   Some of our local outreach programs include hosting an annual Vacation Bible School, volunteering for Douglasville’s Operation Christmas program, and supporting the teachers of the Eastside Elementary School.  We support mission work in Guyana, and donate toward the construction of wells in impoverished parts of the world.  Whether at home or abroad, we are always looking for new and impactful ways to serve our community and let God’s light shine on the world.

Congregational Roots

Our church family’s initial congregation of 12 believers was officially recognized on September 17, 1950. We initially began our worship services beneath the humble trappings of a tent, and later moved our worship and study into members’ homes. The congregation grew over time, and on May 1, 1966 we moved to a building on a six acre site in northern Douglasville, GA and have since been conducting our worship there. We wholeheartedly invite you to join us in our worship and be a part of our continued growth.

Church of Christ?

While many churches that bear the name “Church of Christ” often believe similar things, we do not belong to a formal “denomination” with strictly codified beliefs derived from men.  We are instead shepherded by a local eldership that meet the qualifications laid out in scripture (1 Tim 3: 1-8), and while the eldership leads us with some degree of authority we believe the Bible to be the inspired word of God and thus regard the scriptures as the ultimate authority over our worship practices and derivative beliefs.  In recognition of this ultimate authority, we maintain that a continuous and lifelong study of the bible is central to a better understanding of God’s expectations of us in both worship to Him and in our daily lives.

If you would like to know more about the origins and beliefs of Churches of Christ in general, we invite you to read this article by Batsell Barrett Baxter.